How to Make Honey Mustard Glazed Air Fryer Turkey – A Healthy and Delicious Alternative to Traditional Roasting

Air Fryer Turkey Breast

There’s something about a whole turkey breast that just feels like Thanksgiving. Am I right? Even if you’re not hosting the feast, it can be really fun to cook up a big bird at home. And if you have an air fryer, it’s easier than ever.

I love my air fryer because it’s so easy to use and it cooks food evenly. Plus, there’s hardly any cleanup required. So this year, I decided to try cooking a turkey breast in my air fryer. And it was a huge success!

The turkey breast turned out so juicy and delicious. And it was really easy to prepare – all I had to do was rub it with olive oil, salt, and pepper, then add some fresh herbs. I cooked it for about 25 minutes in the air fryer, and then brushed it with a honey mustard glaze. The end result was amazing!

If you’re looking for an easy and healthy way to cook a turkey breast, I definitely recommend trying out this recipe in your air fryer. You won’t be disappointed!

This recipe is for a low-fat, easy-to-cleanup turkey breast that is also healthy and low carb. The honey mustard glaze on the turkey breast is delicious and makes it crispy.

This recipe is for a low-fat, easy-to-cleanup turkey breast that is also healthy and low carb. The honey mustard glaze on the turkey breast is delicious and makes it crispy.

Ingredients Overview

Turkey whole breast

The turkey breast is a healthy and low-carb ingredient that works well in this recipe. The turkey breast is a lean protein that is high in B vitamins, zinc, and selenium. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health.

Olive oil

The olive oil is a healthy and low-carb ingredient that works well in this recipe. The olive oil is a monounsaturated fatty acid that is beneficial for heart health. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants.


Salt is a necessary ingredient in this recipe because it helps to flavor and season the turkey breast. It also helps to keep the meat moist and juicy.

Salt is a necessary ingredient in many recipes because it helps to flavor and season food. It also has some health benefits, including keeping the meat moist and juicy and helping to prevent heart disease.

Black pepper

Black pepper is a spice that is often used in recipes. It has a strong flavor and a pungent aroma. Black pepper is also high in antioxidants, which make it beneficial for health. In this recipe, black pepper is used to season the turkey breast and give it a spicy flavor.


Butter is a necessary ingredient in this recipe because it helps to flavor and season the turkey breast. It also has some health benefits, including keeping the meat moist and juicy and helping to prevent heart disease.


The honey in this recipe helps to add flavor and sweetness to the turkey breast. It also has some health benefits, including helping to prevent heart disease and boosting the immune system.

Dijon mustard

Dijon mustard is a type of mustard that is made with brown or black mustard seeds. It has a strong, pungent flavor and a slightly sweet taste. Dijon mustard is also high in antioxidants, which make it beneficial for health. In this recipe, dijon mustard is used to add flavor and sweetness to the turkey breast. It also has some health benefits, including helping to prevent heart disease and boosting the immune system.

Air Fryer Turkey Breast Cooking Instructions

So you want to make some of the best turkey breast you’ve ever had? You’re in luck, because this recipe is ridiculously easy and insanely delicious.

First, preheat your air fryer to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. While it’s heating up, cut the turkey breast in half with some good scissors. Rub it down with some olive oil, then season it with salt, pepper, and some chopped herbs. Throw it in the air fryer and let it cook for about 20 minutes.

While the turkey is cooking, mix together some butter, honey, and Dijon mustard in a small saucepan over medium heat. Once the butter has melted, whisk to combine.

When the timer goes off on the turkey, brush it with the honey mustard glaze and put it back in the air fryer for 5-10 more minutes until it’s crispy and cooked through. Then just cover it with aluminum foil for a few minutes so that it can rest and absorb all those flavors.

Voila! You’re now the proud owner of some killer turkey breast that will make all your friends and family super jealous. Serve it up on a nice big plate and enjoy!

Air Fryer Turkey Breast

Honey Mustard Glazed Air Fryer Turkey Breast

Diabetic Plate Staff
This recipe is for a low-fat, easy-to-cleanup turkey breast that is also healthy and low carb. The honey mustard glaze on the turkey breast is delicious and makes it crispy.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Rest 10 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 5 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 6 Servings
Calories 9 kcal


  • 1 Air Fryer


  • 5 lb turkey whole breast
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 4-6 tbsp fresh herbs chopped rosemary thyme, sage
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 3 tbsp honey
  • 2 tbsp dijon mustard


  • Heat air fryer to 350° F.
  • Using a good pair of scissors, cut down the center of the turkey to separate the 2 breasts. Note: if you have a large air fryer, you may be able to keep the entire turkey breast intact.
  • Rub olive oil all over turkey breast. In a small bowl, combine chopped herbs, salt, and pepper. Rub herb mixture over the turkey breast.
  • Transfer one of the halves to the air fryer and cook for about 20 minutes. Turn the breast over and cook for an additional 15 minutes. While the turkey is cooking, combine butter, honey, and mustard in a small saucepan over medium heat. Once butter has melted, whisk to combine. At this point, brush the entire breast with honey mustard glaze and return to air fryer for an additional 5-10 minutes until browned and crispy, and the internal temperature is 165°F.
  • Repeat with the second half of the turkey breast.
  • Loosely cover the turkey breasts with aluminum foil for 5-10 minutes before slicing and serving.
Keyword Dinner, Thanksgiving, Turkey

Air Fryer Turkey Breast Nutrition

There are approximately 359 calories, 6 grams of carbs, 24 grams of fat, and 43 grams of protein in this recipe.

Storage instructions

The best way to store an air fryer turkey breast is by wrapping it tightly in aluminum foil and placing it in the fridge. It will keep for 3-4 days.

Our Thoughts on Air Fryer Turkey Breast

This easy and healthy turkey breast recipe is perfect for your air fryer. The honey mustard glaze makes it crispy and delicious.

Turkey Breast FAQ

Q: Can I use another kind of meat instead of turkey?

A: You can use any kind of meat you like in this recipe, such as chicken or beef.

Q: Can I cook the turkey breast in the oven instead of the air fryer?

A: Yes, you can cook the turkey breast in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 25 minutes.

Q: What are some healthy substitutes for honey mustard glaze?

A: You can use maple syrup, bbq sauce, or even sriracha sauce as a glaze on your turkey breast.

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